Biweekly Payroll
General Information
Biweekly employees are paid every two weeks. The pay period is two weeks long and begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Paychecks are issued on the Friday following the end of the pay period. If the pay date falls on a University holiday, then paychecks will be issued the day prior to the University holiday.
Biweekly Adjustments
Biweekly Adjustments are used to adjust compensation information from a prior pay period and to compensate a biweekly employee for a retroactive rate increase or decrease.
Use the form to adjust earn codes, job numbers, number of hours paid, etc.
The rate is the regular hourly rate of pay (the system will calculate earn code differences)
Indicate a + or – in the (+/-)
Provide an explanation
Biweekly Adjustments must be submitted in the ServiceNow Portal.
When an overpayment of wages for an employee is discovered, the situation will be reviewed to determine the most effective way to recover the funds. This will be done by stopping a payment, reducing future payment(s) or preparing an Overpayment Recovery Form and letter to be sent to the employee. If the overpayment is caused by a department error, for example late paperwork or duplicate paperwork, a one hundred and fifty dollar fee will be charged to the department to help off-set the cost of recovery. Most biweekly overpayments can be recovered by using the Biweekly Payroll Adjustment procedure. If that is the case no fee is charged for the overpayment. Federal law treats wage overpayments the same as any other wages the employee might have received. As long as the employee repays the overpayment within the same taxable year that the overpayment is made, all taxes may be refunded and the employee's W-2 may reflect the correction for the repayment of the overpayment. If, however, the repayment is received after the end of the tax year in which the overpayment is made, the W-2 cannot be changed for Federal or State taxes. Only Social Security taxes can be refunded. Because of these federal law circumstances, if the repayment is made in the same year as the overpayment, Payroll Services will request "net pay" as the reimbursable amount. If the repayment is not made until a later tax year, federal law requires Payroll Services to request "gross pay" as the reimbursable amount. Overpayments which are charged to a restricted account, ledger 5 or 6, must be transferred to an unrestricted account, ledger 2 or 4, before October 1st for Annual Certifications. The responsible department should transfer these charges.
Payroll Expense Cost Corrections
A Knowledge Base article available at this link provides detailed instructions on how to correct a payroll expense when it is determined that it should be expensed to a different account.