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Certificates of Insurance

A insurance certificate is a document that verifies the existence of insurance coverage to satisfy contractual insurance requirements. When a contract or agreement requires a Certificate of Insurance from the University you will need to contact the Office of Risk Management to process the request. Examples of certificates requested may include General Liability, Workers’ Compensation, and Automobile Liability. Whenever possible the University will issue a letter of self-insurance in lieu of a certificate of insurance.

Certificates are sent to the requester in PDF format by email. Please allow for at least three business days for a response when requesting insurance certificates. In order to process your request, we will need to following:

For use of a venue:

  1. the type of activity
  2. the number of attendees
  3. a date range for the contracted period
  4. will liquor be served by us or by others
  5. Will the event be catered? (As a reminder when contracting with a caterer you must get a certificate of insurance from the caterer naming the University of Chicago as an additional insured.)
  6. The name and address of the Certificate Holder and a copy of the portion of the contract that outlines the insurance request. It is generally listed under the title Indemnity or Insurance.

Contractual Agreements:

  1. the type of activity or equipment to be insured
  2. A date range for the contracted period. It can be an indefinite range but if it is date specific we can limit liability to that range.
  3. the name and address of the certificate holder
  4. a copy of the portion of the contract that outlines the insurance request

Proof of Property Insurance :

  1. the specific information on the property to be insured (make and model)
  2. the replacement value of the property
  3. A date range for the contracted period. It can be an indefinite range but if it is date specific we can limit liability to that range.
  4. the name and address of the certificate holder
  5. a copy of the portion of the contract that outlines the insurance request

Contractual indemnities should be reviewed by the Office of Legal Counsel when appropriate. Procurement and Payment Services provides guidelines for contract review and determining when review by Legal Counsel is warranted. The links to each office are provided below.

Office of Legal Counsel
