Insurance Program Claims Reporting
In order for coverage to apply to most insurance programs claims must be reported to Risk Management in a timely fashion and as outlined below. Claims not reported in line with these requirements risk not being covered under the University’s insurance programs.
All claims will be reviewed and investigated in accordance with applicable insurance policies. Some claims may be subject to further decision in conjunction with a third party claims administrator and the Office of Legal Counsel.
Please refer to the corresponding Insurance Programs link for additional details regarding the followings programs.
Property, Transit and Fine Arts Insurance
Departments must report loss of or damage to University property to Risk Management immediately to begin an investigation and establish a claim. It is essential that Risk Management is notified as quickly as possible especially for water or smoke damage as the window of opportunity to salvage damaged property is limited. Reimbursement may not be approved on damaged items that may have otherwise been salvaged if not for a delay in reporting. Departments should document the immediate damage and save the pictures for future reference.
The department must prepare a list of all damaged property and anticipated repairs and costs. After review Risk Management will confirm in writing what repair costs the department can recover if any under the property insurance program. If the department learns that additional work is necessary or that the original estimate was materially understated notify Risk Management promptly for further approval. Repairs or purchases must be initiated within 30 days unless otherwise approved by Risk Management. Payment of all invoices is to be drawn on the department’s accounts. The department must then send copies of invoices and payment vouchers for approved expenditures to Risk Management. We will reimburse you for the expenditure minus the applicable deductible.
Theft Insurance
Risk Management will reimburse units for the cost to replace stolen property insured under the program. Reimbursements are subject to a deductible of 10% with a minimum deductible of $500 and a maximum of $2000. If stolen property was not enrolled with Risk Management, its loss is not covered under the Theft Insurance Program and will be subject to a $25,000 deductible under the Property Program.
To receive reimbursement for stolen property, units must follow the guidelines provided:
If the theft occurs on campus or in a campus-owned building report the theft immediately to the University of Chicago Police Department (773.702.8181) and obtain a UCPD report number from the investigating officer
If the theft occurs away from the University report the theft immediately to the police department having jurisdiction
Report the loss to the Office of Risk Management within five business days including a description of property taken and the police report
Replace the stolen property within 30 days unless otherwise approved by Risk Management. Initial costs must be paid by your individual department and then reimbursed by Risk Management minus any applicable deductible
International Travel Insurance
In the event you contact International SOS for emergency assistance, you should contact the Office of Risk Management and Human Resource Services, the Dean’s Office, Trip Organizers or others who coordinate your travel as soon as practical to ensure all parties have the applicable information. In the event you need to be transported due to a medical or security condition the University will need to authorize the expenses with International SOS. For medical emergencies you should also have a copy of your health insurance card and provide this information to the medical facility immediately.
Risk Management does not need to be notified if you contact International SOS solely for assistance information such as locating medical facilities or for security advice.
Automobile Insurance
In the event of an automobile accident while on University business processes must be followed. Risk Management must be notified no later than the next business day after the accident in order for coverage to apply.
Contact, the following in order:
Police having jurisdiction (immediately if the accident involves injury; 911 in most areas)
Personal insurance company if a personal vehicle
Risk Management if a University-owned vehicle
Rental car company if a rented vehicle
Your department supervisor or director
Exchange information with the other driver(s) and witnesses, including names, contact information, address, license plate numbers and driver’s license numbers. Tell the other party(s) you will report the information to our insurance carrier.
Phone Risk Management as soon as possible and immediately if the accident involves injury. Drivers must contact Risk Management to provide all information needed to report an accident to our insurance carrier and to establish a claim.
An investigation into the accident will be coordinated by Risk Management. Drivers must comply when asked to provide further information by our insurance carrier or any state agency.
Other Insurance
If you feel there is an incident that could trigger coverage under another type of insurance not discussed here please contact Risk Management to discuss the specifics of your claim.
The following links outline specific insurance programs maintained by the University that may apply to you: