Professional Liability
Professional Liability insurance might apply when University faculty, students, or staff are performing services for other third parties, typically for a fee. When the other party is relying on this service as an input, errors could result in a claim being made back against you and the University. Examples of these types of services include consulting, legal work, and software development. Often, your agreement or contract with the other party will require that you provide proof of professional liability insurance.
If you are providing a professional service, please contact the Office of Risk Management to determine what insurance solutions might be appropriate. The University cannot provide professional liability insurance unless the exposure is known and disclosed to insurance providers.
Medical Malpractice
Information on professional liability for medical services should be directed to the Medical Center Legal Affairs Office
Fax: 773.702.9310
5841 South Maryland Avenue
Mail Code: MC1132
Chicago, IL, 60637
Requests for loss information for Medical Personnel should be sent to Ana Rios Rico: