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Property Insurance

The University maintains property insurance for University-owned property while on the campus or at approved locations away from campus. Property insurance covers accidental damage from causes including fire, windstorm, water, and other perils. Insurance covers both damage to the building structure as well as contents such as furniture, laboratory equipment, computing equipment, books, supplies and similar property. All decisions regarding coverage are made as they apply to our blanket insurance policy. Decisions regarding repair or replacement of damaged property are made jointly between University departments and the Office of Risk Management. Additional detail regarding the property insurance coverage is available by contacting our office.


Reimbursements are subject to a deductible of 10 percent, with a minimum deductible of $500 and maximum of $2,000.

Important Exclusions

Some recovery may be excluded by the University's property insurance policy. Important exclusions include, but are not limited to:

  • Money

  • Software and data

  • Personal property of employees and students

  • Deterioration or wear and tear

  • Mold

Claims Reporting

To file a property insurance claim, please follow the University's claims reporting requirements.

The University of Chicago
Edward H. Levi Hall 5801 South Ellis Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 773.702.1234
©2025 The University of Chicago